Participants who would like to give an oral or poster presentation should submit an abstract for consideration by the Scientific Committee who will determine whether the abstract will be accepted for an oral or poster presentation. The abstracts will be published in the Book of Abstracts.

The presenting author must ensure that all co-authors are aware of the content of the abstract before submission to the Congress agency, Purple Key, and of all communications after that.

Instructions for writing abstracts

– abstracts should be written in English
– abstract length: up to 300 words
– abstract font: Arial 10 pts
– abstract headline should be capitalized Arial 12 pts
– name of the author who will present the paper should be capitalized
– author’s and co-author’s last name and first name initial without titles
– author’s and co-author’s institution, city, and country
– author’s e-mail address
– abstract text: goals, materials and methods, results, conclusion
– linguistic accuracy is the responsibility of the author
– previously published abstract will not be accepted

Abstract submission deadline: March 01, 2024
Abstracts will be reviewed until: April 01, 2024

Kongres je podržan od strane:     

ISN (International Society of Nephrology)

ERA (Evropske Renalne Asocijacije)

ESOT (Evropsko društvo za transplantaciju Organa)

Klinički Centar Univerziteta
u Sarajevu

Medicinski fakultet Univerziteta u Sarajevu

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